
Beginner's Guide to Bitcoin Mining

Learn what Bitcoin mining is and how it works. The inner workings of mining bitcoin are demystified. It’s not as complicated as you might think it is.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

“Mining” is the process of confirming transactions and adding them to the blockchain. Nodes that participate in mining are known as miners and form a critical part of the Bitcoin network. As part of the

What is a Mempool?

Bitcoin answers the question, “Which transaction to keep?” The way Bitcoin answers this question is brilliant. Here’s how… Every node on the Bitcoin network shares information about new transactions. Transactions

What is a Bitcoin Miner?

Does it involve any picks, shovels, or caves? NOPE. In this lesson, I will explain what a Bitcoin miner is. Here, we have the Bitcoin network again that contains conflicting

How Bitcoin Mining Works

How does Bitcoin mining work? In the previous lesson, you learned what a Bitcoin miner is, how it stores fresh transactions in its memory pool, and then starts the “mining” process by creating a candidate