
What does “Margin Level” mean?

について マージンレベル is the percentage (%) value based on the amount of Equity versus Used Margin.

Margin Level allows you to know how much of your funds are available for new trades.

The higher the Margin Level, the more Free Margin you have available to trade.

The lower the Margin Level, the less Free Margin available to trade, which could result in something very bad…like a Margin Call or a Stop Out (which will be discussed later).

How to Calculate Margin Level

Here’s how to calculate Margin Level::


Your trading platform will automatically calculate and display your Margin Level.

If you don’t have any trades open, your Margin Level will be ZERO.

Margin Level is very important. Forex brokers use margin levels to determine whether you can open additional positions. 

Different brokers set different Margin Level limits, but most brokers set this limit at 100%.

This means that when your Equity is equal or less than your Used Margin, you will NOT be able to open any new positions.

If you want to open new positions, you will have to close existing positions first.

Example #1: Open a long USD/JPY position with 1 mini lot

Let’s say you have an account balance of $1,000.



USD/JPYをロングで、1ミニロット(10,000単位)のポジションを建てたい。必要証拠金は 4%.


Since USD is the base currency. this mini lot is 10,000 dollars, which means the position’s Notional Value is $10,000.


$400 = $10,000 x .04

お客様の取引口座が米ドル建てであると仮定すると、必要証拠金は以下のようになります。 4%必要証拠金は $400.




Since we just have a single position open, the Used Margin will be the same as Required Margin.

Used Margin Example



つまり、あなたのフローティングP/Lは次のようになる。 $0.

Let’s calculate the Equity:


$1,000 = $1,000 + $0

あなたの口座の純資産は $1,000.

Equity with Breakeven Floating P/L

Step 4: Calculate Margin Level


Margin Level = (Equity / Used Margin) x 100%

250% = ($1,000 / $400) x 100%

マージン・レベルは 250%.

If the Margin Level is 100% or less, most trading platforms will not allow you to open new trades.No More Trades

In the example, since your current Margin Level is 250%, which is way above 100%, you’ll still be able to open new trades.

Green Light

Imagine the Margin Level as being a traffic light.As long as the Margin Level is above 100%, then your account has the “green light” to continue to open new trades.



  • マージンレベル is the ratio between Equity and Used Margin. It is expressed as a percentage (%).
  • For example, if your Equity is $5,000 and the Used Margin is $1,000, the Margin Level is 500%.


では、次に、そのコンセプトについて説明しよう。 マージン・コール・レベル.